You absolutely do not have to do it all. In fact, you can't. You can't have a perfectly tidy house AND workout everyday AND eat "clean" AND go to work AND come up with special crafts for your kids AND volunteer AND do the 467 things it takes to be a functioning adult each day. You just cannot.
You can't and you don't have to. But the world will certainly lie to you and tell you everyone else "has it together" except you. But no one does, because we aren't robots.
As a therapist, I encourage my clients to pick 3 top priorities and let other things go, to the extent that you reasonably can. Taking your focus off things that don't really matter can free up so much mental and physical energy to focus on the things that really do.
So much freedom and relief come when you accept not being able to do everything. I hope you'll be kind to yourself and give it a try 🙂