Every year at 8:00 am on December 26th, I get many messages from old clients and new clients wanting to make appointments for therapy. This is because the holidays can feel very hard, even in a “normal” year. Exhaustion, emotions,…
Archives for November 2020
Val Marie Paper Prayer Journal
A couple of years ago I got my first Val Marie Paper prayer journal and my prayer life has never been the same since. Every day (well, most days) I start my morning right here with my Bible, prayer journal,…
Advent Devotionals
“Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot–yes, a new branch bearing fruit from the old root…In that day the heir to David’s throne will be a banner of salvation to all the world. The nations will…
Keeping the Holiday Season Simple
The holiday season is full of fun, festiveness, and special times. But it can also feel chaotic, overwhelming, and full of family conflict. It is no coincidence that I book many therapy sessions at 8:00 am on Dec. 26th Every….
Holiday PJs for the Family
Well, it’s been quite the week/month/year, so how about some matching pjs for a bit of pre-holiday cheer!!! If we’re going to be celebrating at home more than usual this year we might as well make it fun and be…
2020 Weight Gain and Grace for Yourself
As we’re all aware, we’ve had just a bit of a tough time this year. Chances are that you’ve been juggling a lot of things for a long time. Your plans have changed time after time after time and it’s…
Nap Time to Quiet Time: Rest for Toddlers and Their Mamas
Today I’ve teamed up with my friend Stephanie to share some thoughts on the transition from nap time to quiet time for toddlers. I met Stephanie on Instagram and her posts immediately stood out to me as wise, kind, and…
Simple Practices For Teaching Children Gratitude
I received a really positive response to last weeks post on Books for Teaching Gratitude, so I thought I’d share a little more on the subject! None of us want to raise entitled, ungrateful children. No one is aiming for…
Soulspace Christian Meditation App
After the week (year) we’ve had, I sure do wish I was on this beach today. But I’m not and I’m guessing you’re not either. This year has challenged me to find peace right where I am instead of waiting…
Books For Teaching Gratitude
As I continue to grow in my work as a therapist, the more certain I am that gratitude is a deeply important skill that we as parents must instill in our children. It isn’t something that always comes naturally for…
How Do I Know When I Need to See A Counselor?
“How do I know when I need to see a counselor?” is one of the most common questions I’m asked. The truth is that this question has no definitive answer. Anything that is stealing your happiness, peace, or freedom in…