School starts in two weeks in our district. It feels completely surreal to be a bonafide mother of a kindergartener, because wasn't she just born and wasn't I just in my mid-twenties instead of mid-thirties? But it's such a beautiful season and Lily is so ready. I'm so excited for all the new things she'll get to learn and experience, but more than anything I hope she is kind, is confident in who God made her to be, and makes good friends. I'm so proud of my sweet girl.
Back to school time can bring up BIG emotions in our kids. Books are one of my favorite tools for starting good conversations and naming big feelings. Here are a few collections that I hope are helpful if your little one needs a bit of encouragement in the next few weeks.
I've linked what I can below. You can click on an individual book to be brought to a link and many of these are available at local libraries. I hope the beginning of the school year is the start of a happy new season for your family!
***These books do not and cannot take the place of counseling. They can provide children with a chance to see themselves in someone else, to gain insight, and to feel encouraged. They can help prompt good conversations between a parent and a child. But when it is needed, nothing can take the place of working with a licensed therapist.