I can't recall a time when I haven't loved the gift of words. I adore the small, rural community where I grew up, but I don't think anyone would argue that it's a place of great literary influence. However, my parents did an outstanding job of creating in me a deep love of reading. They read and read and read to me, and then when I was older devoted a great amount of time, energy, and resources into making sure my sister and I had a steady supply of new reading material. I will be forever grateful to them for this! Stories are the way I first learned about different places, other cultures, and people who are different than me. Books taught me how to imagine, dream, and hope.
I am so excited to share many different categories of books with you in the future, including a monthly book review! Until then, I've linked several books that I love here. A few of these are admittedly geared more toward an older child or teen, but all are something that have been significant to me. Just click on an image and you'll be brought straight to a link. I hope you enjoy!