Over the past several years I’ve worked hard on making spending time in scripture a part of my daily life. For me, I really enjoy starting my day in a very particular spot on my couch with a cup of…
Keeping Holiday Traditions Simple
find my dress here and Lily’s beautiful Charlotte sy Dimby dress here I love holiday traditions. My parents and grandparents did a wonderful job of filling my childhood with beautiful traditions that made the holiday season so special for me…
When the Holidays Feel Hard
Every year at 8:00 am on December 26th, I get many messages from old clients and new clients wanting to make appointments for therapy. This is because the holidays can feel very hard, even in a “normal” year. Exhaustion, emotions,…
Val Marie Paper Prayer Journal
A couple of years ago I got my first Val Marie Paper prayer journal and my prayer life has never been the same since. Every day (well, most days) I start my morning right here with my Bible, prayer journal,…
Advent Devotionals
“Out of the stump of David’s family will grow a shoot–yes, a new branch bearing fruit from the old root…In that day the heir to David’s throne will be a banner of salvation to all the world. The nations will…
Keeping the Holiday Season Simple
The holiday season is full of fun, festiveness, and special times. But it can also feel chaotic, overwhelming, and full of family conflict. It is no coincidence that I book many therapy sessions at 8:00 am on Dec. 26th Every….